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  • Unicom 4G three minutes of the world have one, win?

    Unicom 4G three minutes of the world have one, win? 2014-11-09

    In November 5th, China Unicom in Chengdu held "double 4G ahead of a planned industrial chain of high-end summit", a high-profile proposed in 2015 4G terminal sales target is 100000000, the realization of 4G terminal market "three minutes of the world have one". [learn more]

  • Five large power and seven double eleven Shopping Festival too

    Five large power and seven double eleven Shopping Festival too 2014-11-09

    Every year in November, China's electronic commerce will usher in blowout, and the war of words between each home appliance business will not stop, accompanied by nature is the media criticism. Recently, the relevant departments also spread of main electric interviews, and even rumors authorities require cancel discount promotion. [learn more]

  • The next two major league Tencent Empire and anti Teng Alliance

    The next two major league Tencent Empire and anti Teng Alliance 2014-11-09

    In September 3rd, has always been to show people the image of the elegant Robin Li standing in the "Baidu world" platform, to the audience of thousands of Taiwan under the micro letter denounced many defects in public. Subsequently, the handsome CEO smile, Baidu launched the "direct" service, said it will remedy the defect of small letter public, help enterprises directly connected users, leting u…[learn more]

  • The A shares listed in the dawn of harvest: Department of wolf?

    The A shares listed in the dawn of harvest: Department of wolf? 2014-11-09

    In November 6th, Department of dawn (603019) on the Shanghai Stock Exchange announced the listing. Zhongke dawn opened 5.29 yuan, immediately jumped 44.05% to 7.62 yuan. [learn more]

  • NO ZUO NO DIE, PC manufacturers death road

    NO ZUO NO DIE, PC manufacturers death road 2014-11-09

    In this flat and post PC era of rampant, environment, PC manufacturers has become increasingly difficult situation. But the poor people must be hateful. PC manufacturer road this position will have their own reasons. Ancient cloud, from sin, not to live.[learn more]

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