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  • Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo and his wife arrived in Beijing

    Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo and his wife arrived in Beijing 2014-11-09

    Chinese network November 9th news local time on November 9, 2014, Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo arrived in Beijing to attend the informal meeting of APEC leaders. (Eastern IC)[learn more]

  • China market to MOTO and much patience?

    China market to MOTO and much patience? 2014-11-09

    Is probably the end of last month, Lenovo get stamped, USA EU government Chinese, Ministry of Commerce and other departments of examination and approval of the formal completion of Motorola, USA communication company acquisitions. Perhaps [learn more]

  • Vertical media how to do it (seven)

    Vertical media how to do it (seven) 2014-11-09

    through the communication, the collision can create a lot of new things, I have benefited a lot from. Whether in support of voice, or the voice of opposition, are power we continue to walk forward, I will continue to write down this series. [learn more]

  • Samsung will become the next Sony?

    Samsung will become the next Sony? 2014-11-09

    The message said recently, Sony Mobile Corporation will significantly reduce the serious losses Sony China mobile phone business, stop development for specific types of Chinese mobile phone market. In fact, since fiscal year 2008, Sony performance almost for 7 consecutive years of losses, while the fiscal 2014 deficit continues to [learn more]

  • APEC landscape of Beijing new attractions guide the public to stop taking pictures

    APEC landscape of Beijing new attractions guide the public to stop taking pictures 2014-11-09

    In November 5th, members of the public to take pictures in front of APEC landscape. Recently, Beijing is located in the north central axis of the Olympic Center, Chaoyang Beichen crossing national Avenue night Lanshan, attract many people come to take pictures. A new approach to China by Han Haidan[learn more]

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